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  • Zachary Cook's avatar
    Add lightrec dynarec support · 986444d8
    Zachary Cook authored
    Only output for big-ass-debugger if LIGHTREC_DEBUG=1
    LIGHTREC_DEBUG=1 implies DEBUG=1, to disable threaded recompiler, so that output is reliable
    Select which dynarec option with core config option
    Default back to the faster option, and should allow running debugger easier
    Fix crash when switching dynarec option at run-time, need to invalidate lightrec_state
    Fix exe loading enough to get into lightrec interpreter
    Code for reloading expansion1 is from @simias dynarec
    Fix savestate loading
    Keep track of previous dynarec option properly
    Fully re-initialize lightrec when switching dynarec option
    Add option to invalidate stores always (Full) or just for DMA (DMA Only)
    Add option to configure amount of cycles that can pass in dynarec before a DMA/GPU update is forced
    Do not init lightrec for beetle interpreter
    Make lightrec memory logging more concise
    Runahead can use a second instance, use exclusive shared memory and try another name
    Fix load state again
    Change default dynarec option to interpreter
    Reword DMA/GPU event cycles option
    Don't build lightrec by default, require HAVE_LIGHTREC=1
    Revert ReadAbsorb changes, incompatible with old save states
    Revert changes to GPR, much more compatible with beetle interpreter
    Fix subrepos so they can be updated cleanly in the future