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  • Stefanos Kornilios Mitsis Poiitidis's avatar
    Partially working dyna for iOS. Very few games working atm. · f2c07917
    Stefanos Kornilios Mitsis Poiitidis authored
    This works, but is extremelly hacky. Must be started without attached debugger, lldb doesn't want to let go of EXC_BAD_ADDRESS, but reicast really depends on it getting delivered as SIGSEGV/SIGBUS. Also xcode has a really bad day upon seeing the jit code. Oh well.
    There's some dynarec bug that causes color corruption on bios logo/boot triagles, TA crash on ikaruga and infinitive loop on crazy taxi. I'd guess some fp-memory-write thingy, abi, or smth. Too bad.
    - Force code to compile in arm mode (arm jit -> thumb mem functions is complicated)
    - SIGILL, SIGBUS. Works w/o Mach exceptions and EXC_BAD_ADDRESS
    - Code buffers move to __TEXT, munmapped && memmapped to actually work
    - Primitive input. Button + start, or left (works to get out of bios date screen)
    - Fixup emitter for thumb2/interworking (didn't work though, reverted to arm cc)
    - Block Manager: Disable mem saving / page fault alloc-on-demand logic
    - Move cycle counter to r11, r9 is not clean on iOS. Remove r11 from reg alloc list
    - Cache flushes for iOS
    - log to log.txt
    - load game.chd