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  • Rafael Kitover's avatar
    Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) build and runtime support · 01200fad
    Rafael Kitover authored
    Make a custom cstdint.h header file that includes <tr1/cstdint> if
    <cstdint> is not available, because the clang 3.x used on Lion does not
    have it. Change all references to <cstdint> to use it instead.
    Add missing OpenGL header for older OS X in sdl/SDL.cpp .
    When calling HiDPI methods, use respondsToSelector: to check if the
    methods are available first.
    Fix the bundling/linking script to support multiple copies of the same
    dylib with different versions. Necessary to include both the Lion system
    libpng and the brew libpng. Including the system libpng is necessary
    because it is removed in later versions of OS X.