Not able to open info files other than in WHDLoads
Created by: i30817
This is kind of weird. I press 'z' on my keyboard (b button in retropad) to open the filechoose in a whdload game that has more than one info file (i used champions of krynn which has a subdirectory 'Docs' full of a ingame journal and a '' in the root, then i select one of the info files and press the 'ok button')
A screen appears too fast to read (normally) but i paused with RA 'F1' to see.
It says
Couldn't load "ChampionsOfKrynn_v1.0_0986:ChampionsOfKrynn/Docs"
object is not of required type.
Then it fallbacks to reading the
This is not the only file this happens to, the files inside the Directory 'Docs' (which have both info files and 'no extension' files with the same name) also do this, but the message is different:
Couldn't load "ChampionsOfKrynn_v1.0_0986:ChampionsOfKrynn/Journal"
object is not of required type.
'' is the file i chose, so it's always building the path from the top, which is probably why it fails at reading these. The '' file doesn't have a real file, but a directory full of info files (and their raw text i think) and the files inside of the Doc dir have the wrong path when it tries to load.
This actually doesn't happen all the time - when i tried ChamberOfTheSciMutantPriestess the '' and '' worked fine (the '' showed a bunch of nonsense characters though).
I'm pretty sure this is about the paths probably (though in the case of the '' that has a directory named 'Docs' in Champions of Krynn instead of a 'real file' i'm not so sure what is supposed to happen).