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Mouse support for both normal joyports

Libretro-Admin requested to merge github/fork/sonninnos/master into master

Created by: sonninnos

Note that this does not enable the use of 2 physical mice, but only RetroPad emulated.

And since the mouse and joystick ports are reversed in Amiga, as in the first mouse port is the second joystick, and the second mouse is the first joystick, this simply works just like RetroPad works now: Both ports can control the other port as mouse directly via analog sticks in joystick mode, and mouse mode forces D-Pad and the first 2 buttons to mouse.

Hotkey mouse buttons and mouse speed modifiers apply to the controller in question.

There is very little leg room to make this any simpler and clear-cut without creating another device type, which would skip joystick control completely. I don't think that is necessary.

Bonus: A global mouse speed core option which affects all mouse types

Closes #140 (closed)

Merge request reports