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  • Rafael Kitover's avatar
    fix deadlock in SoundSDL::deinit() #139 #130 · e9a86c54
    Rafael Kitover authored
    On SoundSDL destructor and `reset()`, there was a deadlock with Linux
    pthreads, it happened sometimes that the reader thread would call
    `SDL_SemWait(data_available)` while `deinit()` would destroy the
    semaphore and the `SDL_SemWait()` would end up waiting forever on a null
    Change the sequencing of deinit() to prevent this from happening, set
    `initialized = false` at the beginning of the sequence to prevent
    subsequent entries into the reader callback, and add an SDL_Delay(100)
    between the final `SDL_SemPost()` and `SDL_UnlockMutex()`s and the
    `SDL_DestroySemaphore()` and `SDL_DestroyMutex()`s to allow a running
    reader to complete with a valid mutex and semaphores before they are
    destroyed and the thread is joined.
    Resetting the sound system also sometimes triggers a memory corruption
    bug, but that's a separate issue.