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  • Rafael Kitover's avatar
    fix wx 2.8 compat, debug logging works everywhere · fdc389c2
    Rafael Kitover authored
    Fix backcompat with wx 2.8. This involved writing
    wxPositiveDoubleValidator and rewiring the DrawingPanel inheritance tree
    and event handling mechanisms (because 2.8 does not have ->Bind, only
    ->Connect which is less flexible.) As a result all the event handling
    has been gathered into GameArea and the affected code is somewhat
    cleaner. 2.8 support is untested on Mac because it requires 32 bit libs
    and Carbon.
    Add support for cross-compiling for windows using the Fedora MinGW
    packages in ./installdeps.
    Check for OpenGL support in the wx library being linked, this was
    necessary because the Fedora MinGW wx library does not have OpenGL
    Remove vbamDebug() in favor of wxLogDebug(), and add an override for it
    so that it works in non-debug builds of wx as well as on Windows. Turn
    off buffering on stdout and stderr on startup so that debug logging
    works in msys2/cygwin mintty as well.
    On Windows, build a console binary for debug builds.
    Update to reflect Fedora MinGW support and debug logging
    Add -Wextra to cflags for debug builds.